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Food Fight!

  It’s so frustrating. Bombarded with ads for foods we know are bad for us, we still scarf down  double hamburgers loaded with cheese and bacon, topped with added fries. After inhaling every delicious morsel, we lean back and think, “I really should start to eat...

Explain This

If he knew I refer to him as “Good Neighbor Dave,” he would snort and shake his head. Yet he’s always there to help with a smile and willing hands. We’re the same age, Dave and I, and beginning to acquire those aches, pains, and assorted symptoms that force us to...

Writing Communities

In the Gospel of John, we read the Jews had a problem with the inscription that Pilate had nailed on the cross above Jesus’ head. It read, “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.” They said to Pilate, “Write not The King of the Jews; but that he said I am the King...

Your Great Commission

  Somewhere on your TV band every Christmas, you will find It’s a Wonderful Life, starring James Stewart and Donna Reed. Since 1946, the story of a man ready to jump the bridge because he felt his life was a dismal failure turns out to be one of hope and joy. Its...