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The Jewish High Holidays

Jesus compared his Gospel to the mustard seed that grows into a tree large enough to support thousands of birds. So when I imagine the universal Christian Church, I see that mustard tree with its many branches, and roots that bore deep into the soil. In my...

Good Company

No matter how esoteric or unique the passion, people will find like-minded individuals and create a community. Writers, after spending hours in their solitary worlds, need to grapple with certain realities as they resume “normal” life. Whether it is critique groups,...

How to Develop a Healthier Daily Routine

June Duncan is my guest blogger this week. As a caregiver herself, she offers many suggestions to help caregivers on their journeys. Leading a healthier lifestyle means consistently choosing to prioritize your physical and mental...

Our Inner Life

Each of us has an inner life, but I’m not talking about our spiritual, intellectual, or emotional one. No, in more concrete terms, we house thousands of species of bacteria in our gut. And without those little bugs, we would be dead. Their village is our microbiome,...