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Introducing Patricia Iacuzzi – Artist and Writer

  A Roman Soldier’s Horse by Patricia Iacuzzi Remember when Downton Abbey hijacked America’s attention every week?   The series was a great yarn that took place over 100 years ago, in a world far different from today. Good historical fiction is like that....

Are You a Crispy Critter?

  Caregiving is an expression of love, a way of “giving back,” or simply part of the circle of life. “My parents took care of me. Now it’s my turn,” says about every adult child caregiver in the world. Sunshine and flowers, right? Sure, your parents had patience...

A Look at Mesothelioma

Cancer- causing toxins and pollutants surround us, and play a huge role in cancer formation. We now know that asbestos exposure causes mesothelioma, a cancer that attacks the lining of the lungs, the abdomen, sometimes the tissue surrounding the heart, and rarely, the...

The Divine Healer’s Legacy

Last week’s National Nurses Day heralded a flood of appreciation for the work nurses do as they (and other health care workers/first responders) risk their lives to save others. Such dedication seems so much a part of American heroism, we do not realize it was not...

Read a Good Book Lately?

  I once listed every book title I read over a year, and placed them under Fiction or Non-fiction headings. If you had asked me, I would have guessed I read more fiction than non-fiction, but actually it was about 50/50. I’m curious about your reading...