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How Not to Poison Your Family

My wonderful mother was not a domestic diva. She knew nothing about cooking when she and Dad married. “Your Grandfather wanted a homemade pie. I had no idea how to make it, but followed a recipe. I rolled the dough on newspaper, and the print disappeared after the pie...

What is Your Power Source?

I was not sure where this blog belonged on my webpage. Body and soul work together, and unless your loved one dies unexpectedly, you will likely become a caregiver. Caregiving sorely taxes one mentally, spiritually and physically. Ultimately, I decided to publish...

An Interview with Rick Iekel – Writer and Historian

For Rick Iekel, history is more than a record of events stretched along a continuum. Rather, it is the DNA of our humanity, all the “stuff” that makes us who we are. As a young boy, he observed his mother creating poetry. “I would see her in the kitchen, her head...

Meet Debra Kostiw – Owner of Home Helpers

Experiencing her mother’s failing health made Debra Kostiw realize how important it is for frail elders to have supportive, caring companions. Friends and family can do only so much, as Kostiw painfully learned. Now, owner of the Rochester office of Home Helpers, she...