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God’s Fugue

Especially this year, some question why a perfect, loving God is allowing all this chaos. I’ve often heard God’s movements in time likened to the back of a tapestry. While it looks like a mess on the back, on the other side it is a beautiful piece of art. God is said...

Lost in a Word Forrest

Writing and research are inseparable. Even something as mundane as what supermarket chain is popular in Texas (H.E.B.) needs to be accurate, or you will lose a Texan fan (or twenty). Beyond researching historical, geographic, scientific, etc. facts, the particular...

Loss of Power

  Although originally published several years ago in Hope for Women Magazine, I believe my article remains relevant even today. I share my experience with you and hope 2021 brings you peace. Loss of Power As I waited for my husband in the barber shop, I overheard...