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Dry Bones Rattling

    When I wrote an article for The Good News Newspaper about the Jewish High Holidays at Shema Yisrael Messianic congregation several years ago, I realized how disgusting barriers between denominations must appear to Christ. Experiencing worship in the...


Comps are about organization. Not yours, but the publishing company’s and the book store’s. It answers the practical question: Where am I going to put this book in my store? Under thrillers? Christian fiction? Literary fiction? Dystopian fiction? Fantasy? Sci-Fi?...

Your Great Commission

  Somewhere on your TV band every Christmas, you will find It’s a Wonderful Life, starring James Stewart and Donna Reed. Since 1946, the story of a man ready to jump the bridge because he felt his life was a dismal failure turns out to be one of hope and joy....

Shining Light on Deception

Where is Diogenes when you need him? You remember. He was the guy who carried a lamp to shine light in people’s faces. It was supposed to show who was living truthfully.  I don’t think the authors of some “health studies” in this age of misinformation would pass...

Are Christians Judgemental?

Polling shows that one of the main reasons people stay away from church is that they see Christians as judgmental. Why go to a place where people make you feel worse about yourself than you do already? Or tell you there is something wrong with you when you’ve just...