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Gizmos Galore

Any project goes better with the right tools. But first, a person needs to know what tools are available and how to use them. Caregivers constantly prove how creative they are, often with everyday objects. We called my petite Grandmother “Kleine,” which in German...

Qigong (“She Gong”)

Today, as I look out at a foot of snow and ice, I thought I would sample Qigong and Yoga to get the body moving indoors. My neighbor is a fan of  Qigong Baden-Baden and sent me a link. I tried Lesson 1. I liked that the...

Release Brings Healing

  After I posted “God’s Fugue,” my friend Bob Zinnecker sent me this wonderful article about his wife’s faith walk while he battled cancer. Elaine Zinnecker’s story appeared in the September 2, 1984 issue of Evangel. It speaks so well about God’s loving hand in...

Author Turned Publisher

Things have changed in the world of publication. Not many years ago, the Holy Grail for new authors was to find an agent who would sell your book to a publishing house that would edit, print, and market your book. After raking in the royalties, you hoped for a long...

Truth and Lies

When I was in nursing school, we had to write up “bib cards.” We went to our medical library, selected an article to read, jotted down its salient points, and cited its bibliographic information. Bib cards —you could trust that the information was peer reviewed and...