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Verisimilitude and Other Challenges

Writing has some unique challenges for the aspiring scribe. Not getting sued first comes to mind, but there are others. Somehow, we must spin a yarn in such a way that you, the reader, buy into our story. It must have verisimilitude, or at least the sense of...

Thank you, Rosalynn Carter

Presidents and First Ladies come and go. After their terms of office, some retire quietly while others engage in projects near to their hearts. But I don’t think any ex-presidential duo did more for the average American than Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter. Between Habitat...

Preaching Without Words

You can say one thing about my church. The pastors are braver than most, and think waaaay outside the box when it comes to making a point. Lamb of God It was a regular Sunday, and once in our pew, I looked at the altar. Rising from the center, against the wall, rises...


I like the word “homely.” My dictionary says “homely” means not attractive or good looking. Yet it’s the secondary definition that appeals to me: simple or unpretentious; plain, and finally, characteristic of the home. People value perfection and unblemished beauty,...