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Catholic vs catholic

  I stood in a prayer circle in a home in the most dangerous neighborhood in the city of  Rochester. We were praying with a pastor from Ghana, and people of different faiths and color, for help to spread the Gospel of Jesus in the city. Later I wondered, how did...

I’m a Backward Pantser

  They say there are two kinds of writers—Pantsers and Outliners. “Pantsers” write by the seat of their pants. Hence the name. I read somewhere that J.R. Tolkien said he wrote Lord of the Rings to find out what a hobbit was. Pantsers begin with a situation and go...

From Hidden Gem to Shining Star: A Creative’s Guide to Getting Discovered

                                                                                                                    Image: Pixaby   My guest blogger this week is June Duncan, a fellow writer whose website, like mine, is devoted to caregiving issues...

Hidden Danger in Plant Based Diets

  As much as I think plant-based diets promote health, a hidden danger lurks in vegetarian, vegan, and even flexitarian (eats meat and dairy a few times a week) diets. Our bodies cannot make Vitamin B12, and it is not found in fruits and vegetables. The only...