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Four Mistakes Caregivers Make

Caregivers aren’t perfect. As a nurse, I didn’t find giving my husband personal care difficult. But it broke my heart to see my brilliant spouse move further into dementia. His wonderful brain was physically changing. Cells were dying and synapses weren’t firing. As I...

Something to Squawk About

As much as I promote and eat a plant based diet, I do occasionally eat chicken, beef, or seafood. Some wouldn’t touch animal products with a ten foot pole. Others are content eating the standard American diet – the “meat and potatoes” crowd. Each to his own....

Stay Out of the Weeds

One of my favorite Bible verses is Romans 8:28. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” I like the purpose part because I believe we all need a purpose, a reason to get out of bed....

Who is Your Timothy?

Thomas Umstattd Jr., of Author Media fame ( ) asks writers, “Who is your Timothy?” Umstattd, also an author, owns Author Media, which he established to help authors sell more books. Although we members are Christian authors, his principles...