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My Life as a Bookworm

I sit in the “Quiet Study” area in my local library three days a week for four hours at a time. It gives me uninterrupted time to write whatever is nearing deadline. When I look up from my computer screen, I gaze with longing at rows of books. If only I had enough...

Good Samaritan in a Life Boat

In my last Caregiving blog, I portrayed three sets of caregivers soon to be in crisis. Although we want to avoid them, when dire situations attack suddenly, we need help yesterday. Overall, it’s best to provide the safest, most effective plan of care for our loved...

Just How Safe are Cell Phones?

    We all use them, and they are not about to go away. Some days I would swear that phone knows more about my life than I do. I would have forgotten an appointment today if not for my phone’s handy-dandy reminder this morning. But can my executive secretary...

Too Quick to Judge

              Caesar asked, “What is truth?” Today, we ask, “What is the truth?” Politics, economics, when life begins, truth-tellers, and liars —all up for grabs. If we don’t know the truth, or can’t agree on the truth, how can we...