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I wonder how many chapters history will devote to the early 21st century. Simmering problems, like climate change, racism, and the fate of democracy, have come to a head in the wake of this endless Covid pandemic, and there’s no putting the genie back in the bottle....


I can have the best plot in the world, but without believable, interesting, three dimensional characters, I’m going nowhere. I must populate my saga with people who move, respond to events, struggle, fail, and hopefully succeed, to keep your nose in my book. While I...

Book Review: Finding Grace in the Face of Dementia

It is rare to find a practicing geriatrician and professor who also has the heart of a pastor, but John Dunlop, MD, blends clinical knowledge and scripture in his book Finding Grace in the Face of Dementia. His insights on dementia and caregiving are hard won because...

People Power

I don’t know how the heck America put a man on the moon when we can’t resolve our current national problems with solutions we agree on. I think the price tag causes the hang-up, as do the various industry lobbies. Infrastructure, clean energy, saving the planet, and...