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Weasel Words

  I read a nugget of writing advice that warned about using “weasel words.” Apparently, the weasel sucks the contents out of an egg, leaving the shell intact. The eggless shell looks like every other egg, but it’s useless. “Weasel words” resemble the empty shells...

When the Caring Stops

  Suddenly it’s over. The person you loved and cared for, who took center stage in your life for months, maybe years, dies and it left you heartbroken. You stand at the end of a road that once felt way too long. No more doctor’s appointments, hospital vigils,...

Eat the Food You Love

  While I underwent cancer treatment, I followed a diet that eliminated anything that could feed cancer cells. It was the only diet I ever followed to the letter because I wanted to keep cancer in my rear view mirror forever. I lost weight, a good thing, but I...

Why Church?

    Writing is a solitary occupation, with hours of ruminating and writing dreadful first drafts. When something finally emerges, we spend hours editing until we think we have something to share. But is it worth sharing? We can trust our own judgment and...

Your New Year’s Gift

Happy New year! May 2023 be a year of personal and spiritual growth, peace, and love for each of you. To kick the year off, here’s a gift sample from The Divine Meddler. Enjoy the read! From The Divine Meddler   Chapter 1 Deadly Discovery      Strong, chilly...