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For Those Who Served

  Caregiving has changed over the last several decades. In the 60’s my grandmother was the sole caregiver for my grandfather, with as much help from my mom as she could give. It soon became clear that it was not enough, and he ended his days in a nursing home....

Battle of the Bulge

Have your best January intentions about dieting flown the coop? I could say mine have, except I didn’t make any. I’ve learned the hard way that will power lasts only so long. There has got to be a better way, and there is. It’s not how much I eat, but what I eat. All...

Numbering Our Hours

I’m going head to head with time today. After my morning routine, I play catch-up all day until evening when I collapse in front of the TV. Then I shuffle off to bed to read myself to sleep. My days are busy, full of people and “to-dos.” I tell myself I’m being a...