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Managed Long- Term Care Medicaid Plan

        Had enough? Say “Uncle.” Do kids still say that when they want a playmate to give up? Sometimes caregivers need to recognize when it’s time to cry “uncle.” A loved one may have so many care needs, the family caregiver does not know where to...

Redefining “Old”

Last evening, I listened to a physician on television declare that Covid is especially problematic to people “who have the diseases of aging,” such as diabetes, cardiovascular problems, etc. Unfortunately, he didn’t miss a beat when I shouted, “Not so fast, Skippy!”...

In God’s Economy…

      “Where’s my coin of the realm?” he asked, patting his empty pocket and scanning the dresser top. “Aha!” He palmed the silver plastic token that his friend Bill had given him. Squinting at the inscription, because he hadn’t found his glasses...

“All Writing is Rewriting”… Jerry Jenkins

Jerry Jenkins co-author of the Left Behind series and numerous other books, created the Jerry Jenkins Writers Guild to help aspiring Christian authors grow their craft. I’ve been a member for years, and the mantra, “all writing is rewriting,” appears frequently. The...