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Best Poetry Ever!

  We have a talented poet in our writers’ group. Unfortunately, I’m not that skilled at interpreting that genre.  Sometimes her poetry puzzles me, but it is always lyrical. But I think the best poetry (both understandable — even for me — and lyrical) are the...

Library Memories

  “Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.” (Groucho Marx) I relate to Groucho’s first sentence and chuckle at the second.  If you are like me, there is nothing like a book. Oh, I use my Kindle, but love the feel...

Who is Sicker?

 At the same time our son approached his teens, I was thrown into the world of caregiving for my parents and my grandmother that lasted quite a few years. When the phone rang, I wondered what latest crisis would hijack my day. I was “sandwiched” between my family’s...

Are There Perks to Coffee Drinking?

I felt mightily deprived when I transitioned to a whole food, plant-based diet. I imagined a nasty gremlin sitting across the table from me, pulling away my favorite foods. Goodbye steak, goodbye sour cream-laden baked potato, so long cheesy pizza with pepperoni...

In Memory of John Lewis

  I am writing this on July 30th, the day of John Lewis’ funeral. He wrote this letter to his fellow Americans only days before he died, and requested it be read at his funeral. Here is the link to his final testimony, printed in full in the New York Times...