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Who Are You?

I remember his smile. It was soft and gentle, his joy quietly spilling over everyone and everything around him. He was a man of deep faith. He struggled in his later years after a fall injured his cervical spine. As the neurologist watched him walk about in his...

What is Your Life Season?

I’ve been musing about aging lately. Partly because I write about aging issues under my Care Giving blog stream, but mostly because I am “of a certain age” and growing older by the minute. Today, while driving through the fall landscape, I decided this aging business...

Where to Find Help for Seniors and Caregivers Part 2

This blog continues the discussion about elder services provided by Catholic Family Center. Again, I am indebted to Virginia Clark, Associate Director, Aging and Adult Services, and for the photos provided by CFC’s Katherine Grant for their help. STAR PROGRAM (Support...

What is Rosh Hashanah?

History is clear. Jesus was Jewish. He was the perfect, complete Jew who followed, not a legalistic Pharisaical list of rules, but the Father’s intentions for his sacred laws. Jesus went to the heart of matters. Yet, even while he infuriated Jewish leaders, he never...