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Sculptor in Chief

One Christmas, my daughter-in-law gave Gene and me our own pens. Before we could ask why, she grinned and said, “I’m tired of hearing “MINE!” from you. We laughed because we knew just what this sibling among seven meant. As only children, Gene and I never had to share...

REAL Comfort Foods

Two years into this pandemic, with more to go, has been enough to harsh all our mellows. But for many more of us, clinical depression threatens our very existence and we need to talk about it. To do that, I turn to one of my favorite gurus, Dr. Greger. In a summary...

Choose Wisely, Grasshopper

As part of a Bible study on discipleship, our pastor assigned the book The Trouble with Jesus by Joseph M. Stowell, author, past president of the Moody Bible Institute and the current Teaching Pastor at Harvest Bible Chapel. He begins his book by reflecting on the...

The Plot’s the Thing

  There are many things I love about writing books. Plotting is not one of them. The Divine Meddler began with a question born out of my near brush with jury duty for a capital murder case. What if, instead of capital punishment or a life sentence in prison,  a...

Adult Child, not Parent

Several years ago, I wrote this article, which was published in Hope for Women Magazine, about how devastating it is for someone to lose control over their lives. It is as true today as it was then. I learned then that you cannot, and should not try, to parent your...