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Diet Wars and Cancer

While I was  standing in the check-out line in the grocery store, a magazine touting the keto diet caught my eye. I didn’t bite (pun intended), and here’s why. Dr. Greger at Nutrition If you are reading my health blog for the first time, I will tell you Dr....

Serendipity aka God

Deism is a philosophy popular in the 17th and 18th centuries. It asserted God created the world but does not interact with people. I suppose it let God off the hook when wars, plagues and other disasters occurred; there was no reason to blame Him or ask why. But then,...

Reaching Your Reader

The “know your reader” advice pops up frequently in books, articles, and talks for writers. While that makes perfect sense, you want that reader (aka hopefully your follower) to be legion. How do I make my book appeal to as many as possible while I’m writing for a...

Caregiving With a Small c

“She’s eligible, but there’s a waiting list.” “The program sounded good but wasn’t what it was cracked up to be.” “Don’t go the emergency room. They’re slammed with Covid.” Health Care System Flatlining America spends more for health care than any other nation, but...

Lacking those Zzzzzzzs?

  “I wonder how I’ll die,” I mused out loud when I was a kid. (I have no idea why I wondered that at age ten.)  My father chuckled. “Chances are 23 out of 24 it will be in your sleep.” I guess getting enough Zzzzzzs then was not a problem. I still remember a line...