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Hi Grandma

As I was deciding what I wanted to blog about today, I realized that many folks my age are care receivers and not caregivers. Because I’m in that vulnerable cohort, I often get those phonecalls that begin, “Hi Grandma.” A sob story seeking money as the solution soon...

What’s Her Name Needs a Thing-a-ma-jig

My friend and I vacationed in Tennessee and shared a lovely, rented home for a week. Having both lost our husbands, we discovered each of us had been attributing “hidden items” on playfulness from beyond, as in I know I put that there! Where is it? As we worked...

Introducing Rick Iekel – Local Author

Rick Iekel writes wonderful local history— the kind teachers should use in their classrooms. In his first book, House with a Heart, Rick cleverly uses the house as the point of view character while travelers seek shelter in it from a storm. In the most engaging way,...

I’m not fat. I’m fluffy.

I’m told I weighed only four pounds at birth. That was the last time I was grossly underweight because Mom fed me every two hours from then on. Maybe that’s why I graze often to this day! My father used to call food cravings “body wisdom.” If you crave it, you must...