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Faith on a Wire

  I was one of millions glued to the TV as Nick Wallenda prayed his way across the Grand Canyon years ago. For someone who has difficulty navigating a sidewalk (and freezes two feet off the ground if there is nothing to cling to), I cannot imagine how anyone...

Birth of a Novel

My first novel was easy. I slid a fresh piece of paper into my Smith Corona and began with Chapter One. I kept writing until I reached the end of the story. Easy as pie. I think that manuscript lies deep in some closet in the house, where it belongs. R.I.P. Now, after...

Taking Care of YOU

  One Sunday I heard the shortest sermon in history. It was blistering hot, and the sermon was this: “You think this is hot?” So here’s my shortest blog ever. I’m taking a mini vacation this week but offer this link for you. It is from the Family Caregiver...

Exploding Eggs

Some people have no use for microwave ovens. I’m old enough to remember when they first came out. Many were hesitant to use them at the time, but since then most kitchens include them right along with stoves and refrigerators. Still, there are “expert” voices that...

Another Group to Hate

I really don’t have time for my new assignment. A new group to hate. I can’t keep up with the workload already. Republicans hate Democrats. Democrats hate Republicans. Liberals hate conservatives. Conservatives hate liberals. Then there’s the old standbys —Black...