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My Battle with Hypothyroidism

It took over a year that included questioning my sanity, to finally prove I had an underactive thyroid gland. You would think that diagnosis would be a slam-dunk, but apparently it can be elusive. That I did not exhibit symptoms in the usual manner could have been the...

Called to Serve

When Covid restrictions were lifted several months ago, our pastor surveyed the congregation to determine how many would feel comfortable returning to worship in church. Were we “green light” people, “yellow light” people or stay-away for a long time “red light”...

Triple Whammy

I’m looking out the window at the season’s first significant snowfall. The plows have been out already, but in two months today will be merely a ho-hum winter day, and not worth a plow run. We face a long, cold winter here on the south shore of Lake Ontario, where...