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When Is Food Not Food?

Are you feeling over-stuffed after the Holidays?  If you are like me, you left the ranch and grazed on lots of sugar, salt, and fat that made everything taste oh so good. Now you eye the scale and look to January 1st as the day when you will “eat right” and undo the...

Solace in the Solstice

Two things occur in the next few days — the astronomical winter solstice in the northern hemisphere on December 21 at 11:19 p.m. EST and Christmas. While we experience the least amount of daylight on the 22nd, Christmas is bright and joyful. We fill our homes with...

Three Common Writing Bloopers

At our last writers group meeting, I mentioned I find it harder to find novels that hold my interest. Some seem trite and others are poorly written. Steve said it was because writers recognize bloopers that somehow get past editors, or the authors skip professional...

Ten Tips for Communicating with People with Dementia

I raised my voice, as if I my friend could understand me better if I turned up the volume.  Turns out, there are far better ways to communicate with the confused and demented, as I learned from a presentation sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association. The...

The Vitamin D Dilemma

No one argues that we need Vitamin D. Although we call it a vitamin, our bodies also produce Vitamin D, along with melatonin, when we expose our skin to sunlight. According to Patrick Quillin PhD, RD, CNS, in his book Beating Cancer with Nutrition, both Vitamin D and...