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Strength in Weakness

  Have you ever read or heard something that turned on the lightbulb in your head? Or maybe it was an “aha” experience that shed new light on your situation. While I say, and believe, Jesus holds me, loves, and guides me, I don’t always make choices that reflect...

Team Work!

Think we humans invented teamwork? As usual, Mother Nature is way ahead of us. Only she calls it “synergy.” Entering my world of geekdom, “syn” means together and “erg’ is a unit of work, so synergy means working together. As I am going to discuss today, the edible...

Black, White, and Shades of Grey

  Two  people can observe the same incident but come away with different interpretations. Was it morally right? Who is to blame, if there is any blame to be had? Was that a helpful situation or a harmful one? Even parts of the New Testament vary a bit because...

And Another Option…

The publishing industry traveled a long road since the fellow in the picture above cranked out his masterpieces. In the 18th century, the Gutenberg press and Martin Luther’s prolific theological output moved the printing industry forward. Perhaps this is the most...