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MOLST Important Information

Ella had been fiercely independent, until at age 89 time caught up to her. She could no longer live alone, despite family help. She adjusted to her new home in the assisted living care facility. Staff were kind, food was good, and she enjoyed the ladies at her dining...

A Challenging Summer

Cars line up for miles as hundreds inch their way to receive boxes of food to feed their families for a week. At the same time, farmers leave their crops to rot for lack of a sufficient market. There is something definitely wrong here. We are in a long timeout, driven...

The Church Has Left the Building

  I haven’t a clue how this pandemic fits in the scheme of things. Theories abound. Is this God’s wrath being poured upon our sinful world, like it was on the Jews as described by the prophets Ezekiel and Jeremiah in Biblical times? Is this the beginning of the...

Meet Author, Robert Zinnecker

As a reporter, I’ve gotten to meet many interesting people. Sometimes we become friends. That’s what happened several years ago when I covered Robert Zinnecker’s book signing event at the Alpha & Omega Parable Book Store for The Good News Magazine. After...