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Horror or Grace?

Given 2023’s events, this may not have been the best year for our Bible study group to take on the Book of Revelation. We know Jesus will return any time, and given the tribulations described in Revelations, people have been predicting his arrival through wars,...

Another Group to Hate

I really don’t have time for my new assignment. A new group to hate. I can’t keep up with the workload already. Republicans hate Democrats. Democrats hate Republicans. Liberals hate conservatives. Conservatives hate liberals. Then there’s the old standbys —Black...

The Other Independence Day

I looked forward to attending church service this weekend for the last month. We could finally gather for worship without making a reservation, sitting far away from each other, or wearing masks unless we wanted to. We enjoyed lemonade after the service amid smiles...

Not One of Us

While thinking about what to write today, a tale about a man attending a certain church for the first time came to mind. He had spruced himself up as well as he could that Sunday morning. His shirt with frayed collar and a small, neatly mended patch beside the second...