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    OR?     So what’s the scoop on Vitamin E? I want to share some eye-opening information I discovered about this vitamin from my Food Revolution Network feed. It’s one of the fat soluble vitamins (vitamins A,D, E, and K), which means the body...

Hidden Boat

Years ago, I came upon a quirky piece of art. At first glance, it looked like a picture made up of thousands of shards of colored pieces. Colorful, but where was the artistry? (Clearly, I’m not a fan of modern art. I like an apple to look like an apple.) The more I...

Family Problem Solving

When I was growing up as an only child, I envied my friends with siblings. “You have built-in playmates,” I would say. Quite a few of them looked at me as if I were crazy. Later, as a caregiver for both my parents, I again envied that sibling relationship. How nice it...