If you have been following my Body and Soul blogs, you know I promote a mostly whole food plant based diet. Reading the China Study by T. Colin Campbell and (his son) Thomas M. Campbell II (MD) was my initial “Aha! Moment.” Although the book’s thickness appears intimidating, I found it well written and fascinating. An easy read for a layperson, it has a down- to- earth approach. The author grew up on a dairy farm and, like most Americans, thought beef, milk and cheese were great nutrients. (Not)
The evidence was overwhelming for Campbell to mooove away from his nutritional roots. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=the+china+study+by+t.+colin+campbell&crid=1WJVQ6PXXI4DD&sprefix=the+China+Study%2Caps%2C238&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_3_15
Since devouring the book, I read, listened to, and signed up for lectures, from other scientists and physicians whose work led them to the same conclusions about a plant based diet.
Yet not all health professionals and institutions are on board. Honestly, why, at 4 a.m. in our large regional hospital, is the only source of nutrition for exhausted professionals and family members a Subway franchise? Yes, I need highly processed meat and cheese to get me through the night and make good decisions.
Other Voices
Physicians for Responsible Medicine
Aside from my usual faves, Drs. Greger and Li, I’d like to introduce you to a cutting edge, medical resource full of information about preventing disease before it gets the upper hand. Besides articles on health, nutrition, ethical science, and research, it offers online courses for continuing education credit.
Dr. Neal Bernard, a leading expert in managing diabetes, founded Physicians for Responsible Medicine. Rather than the tried and useless name- the -disease- and- throw-a-pill at it approach to health care, this group studies what causes diseases in the first place. Knowing that, we can head them off with better life-style choices. Their work is evidence based, and reaching more practicing health-care professionals every day.
As if that weren’t enough, PCRM fights to eliminate the use of animals in health experiments. With today’s technology, such animal cruelty is totally unnecessary.
Even the Planet
PCRM’s website offers a ton of information. For example, I pulled up one of Dr. Bernard’s blogs, “Methane from 15 Meat, Dairy Producers Nearly as Much as EU’s Total Methane Emissions.” https://www.pcrm.org/news/blog/methane-15-meat-dairy-producers-nearly-much-eus-total-methane-emissions
Methane from livestock is more harmful than carbon dioxide, even though it doesn’t stay in the atmosphere for long. American dairy farms produce more methane than all of Europe!
These sources reinforce the fact that good science is consistent in outcomes, can be replicated, and leads to similar conclusions. We may not like those conclusions, but I’m thankful Physicians for Responsible Medicine tells it like it is.
Keep up the good fight, Sue! Remind people how GOOD they feel after eating plant-based foods!