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Homesteading on the Cumberland Plateau

  God forbid I can’t run to the store for the curcumin I thought I had. What are the chances I could borrow some from my neighbor?If I were a homesteader, my spice cabinet would be full. Folks who engage in homesteading grow and prepare their own food. They have...

Just Call Me Squirrely

  I never paid much attention to squirrels because they’re so ubiquitous. I mean, they’re everywhere, especially around bird feeders! But I’ve gotten to know one little guy (gal?) whom I’ve named “L’il Bugger” and the critter is worming its way into my heart. My...

New Year New Job

    She was tough, but with a soft heart. That may be why she was such a good spiritual mentor to incarcerated women. The power source for this 90 plus year old woman became clear when I read the sticker on her car: “I work for the Jewish Carpenter.” Yes! I...

Tennessee Tidbits

One of these days, I’m going to drive off the road because I’m gawking at animal that’s nearer than I’ve ever encountered. There’s the road, the fence and the animal! I don’t know where in Tennessee this picture was taken, but it looks like what I see as I drive along...

Hidden Gems

  What do you see? A mini forest butts up to the deck. Tree branches spread their arms and create a wall of lush green and amber. Invisible birds call to one another, making flickering sounds as they land and take off from the thick foliage. Life is in full bloom...

Lov’in those Donkeys and Elephants

I’m writing this on November 4, 2024, and predict a dead heat over the next few weeks until all the votes are counted. We’ve been inundated with dire predictions, biased rhetoric, lies passing as news, and news confusing everyone. I’m heartened that the voting turnout...

Rebel with a Cause

My boss once called me “oppositional.” And she was right, because I am. But I like to say I’m an independent thinker, someone who dares to tell anyone who will listen, “The Emperor has no clothes!” when the old boy is stark naked.. The Food Empire There are many...

I’m B…A…C…K!

  It’s Been a While Since I last posted, I returned to Tennessee for three weeks to get my Southern home ready for an anticipated winter stay in what is definitely God’s country. Sure, I’ve stayed in cabins in the Adirondack mountains, paddled North Country...

A MUST See (now)

  Those of you who follow me know I’m a huge fan of The Food Revolution. Their organization presents facts based on peer-reviewed research. A Grim Future No doubt there are other factors at work  in the destruction of our planet, food supply, and our bodies, but...

God’s Sense of Humor

  It sounded like one of those bucket list items when my friend, Debra Kostiw, asked me to play the part of her demented mother in a “few videos.” Debra is a certified educator on Alzheimer’s and other dementias, giving lectures and training health care...