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Why It’s So Hard being a Caregiver

When my friend, Debra Kostiw, Certified Master Dementia Strategist, asked me to join her in role playing for her educational series on dementia, I thought it would be one of those fun bucket list things. Since then, playing the part of a person suffering from dementia...

Four Mistakes Caregivers Make

Caregivers aren’t perfect. As a nurse, I didn’t find giving my husband personal care difficult. But it broke my heart to see my brilliant spouse move further into dementia. His wonderful brain was physically changing. Cells were dying and synapses weren’t firing. As I...

“Forget Me Not” by Debra Kostiw

  So I’ve been a nurse for over 50 years, in hospital and community settings. My desire to work with caregivers arose when I was the sole caregiver for both my parents. It was grueling trying to balance work and my home life. It made me wonder how “lay” people...

What’s Her Name Needs a Thing-a-ma-jig

My friend and I vacationed in Tennessee and shared a lovely, rented home for a week. Having both lost our husbands, we discovered each of us had been attributing “hidden items” on playfulness from beyond, as in I know I put that there! Where is it? As we worked...

Dr. Arthur Kleinman’s Journey

  Dementia does not care who you are. From President Ronald Reagan to your Aunt Tillie, anyone can fall prey to this insidious disease. Alzheimer’s  gradually overrides memory, personality, and emotions. In his book, The Soul of Care – The Moral Education...