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Concocting My Novel

A while ago, I wrote about creating characters people can relate to. Good guys aren’t all good, and bad guys aren’t all bad. I don’t know about other writers, but those who know me well will recognize that my protagonist, Lou Skalney, loves coffee as much as I do....

Weasel Words

  I read a nugget of writing advice that warned about using “weasel words.” Apparently, the weasel sucks the contents out of an egg, leaving the shell intact. The eggless shell looks like every other egg, but it’s useless. “Weasel words” resemble the empty shells...

Why Critique Groups?

Writing is a solitary occupation. Sure, people talk about writing, discuss what they are writing or hope to write, but at the end of the day the writer faces a blank page. Alone. One wag said writing was easy—just start writing and then sweat blood. After all the...

And Another Option…

The publishing industry traveled a long road since the fellow in the picture above cranked out his masterpieces. In the 18th century, the Gutenberg press and Martin Luther’s prolific theological output moved the printing industry forward. Perhaps this is the most...

Three Common Writing Bloopers

At our last writers group meeting, I mentioned I find it harder to find novels that hold my interest. Some seem trite and others are poorly written. Steve said it was because writers recognize bloopers that somehow get past editors, or the authors skip professional...