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Burned Goodies

According to my Bing search engine, “Hermeneutics is the field of study concerned with how we interpret the Bible. Exegesis is the actual interpretation of the Bible by drawing the meaning out of the Biblical text.” (my emphasis). It seems how we interpret the Bible...

In God’s Economy…

      “Where’s my coin of the realm?” he asked, patting his empty pocket and scanning the dresser top. “Aha!” He palmed the silver plastic token that his friend Bill had given him. Squinting at the inscription, because he hadn’t found his glasses...

Serendipity aka God

Deism is a philosophy popular in the 17th and 18th centuries. It asserted God created the world but does not interact with people. I suppose it let God off the hook when wars, plagues and other disasters occurred; there was no reason to blame Him or ask why. But then,...

Book Review: Finding Grace in the Face of Dementia

It is rare to find a practicing geriatrician and professor who also has the heart of a pastor, but John Dunlop, MD, blends clinical knowledge and scripture in his book Finding Grace in the Face of Dementia. His insights on dementia and caregiving are hard won because...

Faith on a Wire

  I was one of millions glued to the TV as Nick Wallenda prayed his way across the Grand Canyon years ago. For someone who has difficulty navigating a sidewalk (and freezes two feet off the ground if there is nothing to cling to), I cannot imagine how anyone...