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I like the word “homely.” My dictionary says “homely” means not attractive or good looking. Yet it’s the secondary definition that appeals to me: simple or unpretentious; plain, and finally, characteristic of the home. People value perfection and unblemished beauty,...

For Unto Us is Given

Humans love tradition. Every culture re-enacts or recalls certain meaningful events every year. With Christmas, the celebration of the birth of Jesus has gained trappings galore. As I searched for the photo for this blog, I started with “Christmas,” and all that came...

Choose Wisely, Grasshopper

As part of a Bible study on discipleship, our pastor assigned the book The Trouble with Jesus by Joseph M. Stowell, author, past president of the Moody Bible Institute and the current Teaching Pastor at Harvest Bible Chapel. He begins his book by reflecting on the...

God’s Fugue

Especially this year, some question why a perfect, loving God is allowing all this chaos. I’ve often heard God’s movements in time likened to the back of a tapestry. While it looks like a mess on the back, on the other side it is a beautiful piece of art. God is said...

The Church Has Left the Building

  I haven’t a clue how this pandemic fits in the scheme of things. Theories abound. Is this God’s wrath being poured upon our sinful world, like it was on the Jews as described by the prophets Ezekiel and Jeremiah in Biblical times? Is this the beginning of the...