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Verisimilitude and Other Challenges

Writing has some unique challenges for the aspiring scribe. Not getting sued first comes to mind, but there are others. Somehow, we must spin a yarn in such a way that you, the reader, buy into our story. It must have verisimilitude, or at least the sense of...

My Novel’s Breech Birth

    What do you imagine when you hear the word “writer?” An artist with her head in the clouds? A man cackling away while he writes about the Cracken taking down a Martian fleet of aliens? Or just a person who likes to share information, stories, ideas, or...

My Life as a Bookworm

I sit in the “Quiet Study” area in my local library three days a week for four hours at a time. It gives me uninterrupted time to write whatever is nearing deadline. When I look up from my computer screen, I gaze with longing at rows of books. If only I had enough...

Know Thyself

My husband was a forensic chemist in our county crime lab for forty years. People used to ask, “What is a forensic chemist?” Now we simply reply, “CSI.” At first the lab had only three scientists, and they worked on every kind of case — murder, DWI, hit and run, you...

Read a Good Book Lately?

  I once listed every book title I read over a year, and placed them under Fiction or Non-fiction headings. If you had asked me, I would have guessed I read more fiction than non-fiction, but actually it was about 50/50. I’m curious about your reading...