by Sue | Jun 16, 2024 | Body & Soul
She was young enough to be my granddaughter, it seemed too young to be a physical therapist supervisor, yet she was competent and empathetic. I say “empathetic” because she didn’t flinch when I blew up when being asked for the umpteenth time during my pre and...
by Sue | May 29, 2024 | Faith
What’s your Paradigm? Visiting is one thing. Spending months in another part of America is another—like coming from the third largest city in a blue state to a small rural city in a red state. While I love Rochester, where I was born and raised, I fell...
by Sue | May 9, 2024 | Faith
As far as sweaters go, I bought it because it was cheap, white and comfy. During my stay in Tennessee, I needed something nondescript to add to my limited travel wardrobe, and this little number in Walmart fit the bill. I checked it out with my other purchases and...
by Sue | Apr 15, 2024 | Body & Soul
I once thought I’d like to become a musicologist. It’s a fascinating field that studies music, how music came to be, and how it interacts within cultures. I think a good musicologist must be part musician, part historian, and part anthropologist. I remember reading an...
by Sue | Apr 8, 2024 | Faith
I like to think of myself as a tough old gal. “See the hill. Take the hill,” as my Lt. Colonel father would have said. I recently made a decision that holds the promise of adventure ahead. Was I up to it? Would everything work out? Or had I made a blunder?...
by Sue | Mar 25, 2024 | Faith
As we enter Holy Week, I want to share one of the Church’s most ancient rituals with you. The Holy Week service called Tenebrae has become so rare today many Christians have never experienced the funereal tenor of this sorrowful ritual. The first Tenebrae service I...
by Sue | Mar 19, 2024 | Body & Soul
The Church calendar and Mother Nature are in synch this year. Both Easter and Spring are early, with forsythia and daffodils in full bloom here in Tennessee. I admire flowers, but I don’t like gardening. The only plants I purchase are perennials because I want to...
by Sue | Mar 11, 2024 | Faith
According to my Bing search engine, “Hermeneutics is the field of study concerned with how we interpret the Bible. Exegesis is the actual interpretation of the Bible by drawing the meaning out of the Biblical text.” (my emphasis). It seems how we interpret the Bible...
by Sue | Mar 4, 2024 | Books & Writers
A while ago, I wrote about creating characters people can relate to. Good guys aren’t all good, and bad guys aren’t all bad. I don’t know about other writers, but those who know me well will recognize that my protagonist, Lou Skalney, loves coffee as much as I do....
by Sue | Feb 26, 2024 | Body & Soul
In my last Body and Soul blog, I provided a link to a seminar on healing breast cancer that included holistic measures, such as diet. We know many fruits and vegetables have substances that interfere with cancer cell growth, and even kill some of them. But eliminating...