Book Review: “Bibi/My Story” by Benjamin Netanyahu

I guess you could call me an eclectic reader. After reading fiction, I want to dive into non-fiction, then back into fiction. While I tend toward literary novels, I’m developing a taste for cozy mysteries, and I’m a sucker for anything set in the UK. My non-fiction...

Do All Good People Go To heaven?

  In  Isaiah 65:6 NIV, we read, “And all of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind, our sins sweep us away.” Well, that sounds harsh. Good deeds like volunteering...

Let’s be Friends

  Now that I’ve launched The Divine Meddler, the art of marketing looms ahead. Writing I know. About marketing I’m clueless. I’d love to sit back and say, “if God wants this book to sell millions of copies, He’ll make it happen.” But I don’t think it works like...


I was the sole caregiver for both my parents in the late 1980s. Like most adult family caregivers, I struggled to tend to my husband, teen-aged son, work obligations, and ailing parents, all at once. “Sandwich generation” is an apt description of how squeezed and...

This Year’s Lineup

How appetizing or safe are your fruits and veggies if farm workers wear hazmat suits to spray them before you buy them? Yes, organic farmers may use some pesticides, but they don’t use chemicals identified as health hazards. Many chemicals used on our produce are...

Imago Dei

  I read an article in the May/June issue of CT Christianity Today written by Edward J. Larson. It was a book review of Magisteria: The Entangled Histories of Science and Religion by Nicholas Spencer. Many find science and religion compatible. Others don’t. It’s...

Writing from the Trenches

Writers have pretty much dumped the adage, “write what you know,” in favor of honing their investigative skills. Yet there is nothing like fiction written by writers who have seen it, done it, been there. Meet BarbaraHelene Smith, PhD. and author of the Connie Murphy...

Second Installment of my Knee Surgery Journey

    I wasn’t thinking about the future when I thought the sunken great- room in my forever home was a great idea. Hint: looking for your golden years’ residence had better include mobility concerns. Fortunately, since they scheduled my surgery for...

My Knee Surgery Journey

  We’ve always had certain “rites of passage” in our culture. I have a photo of my father as a toddler in a dress. If you knew my father, you would laugh right now. Anyway, he soon passed into short pants, and from there to long pants. The first bra is a girl’s...

What? Me worry?

  Lou Skalney’s father, in my novel The Divine Meddler, raised him to believe that a man takes care of business. That didn’t work out so well for Lou, but I can relate. I’m a bit like him with my Type A personality. I make “to-do” lists and conquer them (usually)...