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Concocting My Novel

A while ago, I wrote about creating characters people can relate to. Good guys aren’t all good, and bad guys aren’t all bad. I don’t know about other writers, but those who know me well will recognize that my protagonist, Lou Skalney, loves coffee as much as I do....

The Plot’s the Thing

  There are many things I love about writing books. Plotting is not one of them. The Divine Meddler began with a question born out of my near brush with jury duty for a capital murder case. What if, instead of capital punishment or a life sentence in prison,  a...

Family Problem Solving

When I was growing up as an only child, I envied my friends with siblings. “You have built-in playmates,” I would say. Quite a few of them looked at me as if I were crazy. Later, as a caregiver for both my parents, I again envied that sibling relationship. How nice it...