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Why Church?

    Writing is a solitary occupation, with hours of ruminating and writing dreadful first drafts. When something finally emerges, we spend hours editing until we think we have something to share. But is it worth sharing? We can trust our own judgment and...

Hidden Boat

Years ago, I came upon a quirky piece of art. At first glance, it looked like a picture made up of thousands of shards of colored pieces. Colorful, but where was the artistry? (Clearly, I’m not a fan of modern art. I like an apple to look like an apple.) The more I...

Faith on a Wire

  I was one of millions glued to the TV as Nick Wallenda prayed his way across the Grand Canyon years ago. For someone who has difficulty navigating a sidewalk (and freezes two feet off the ground if there is nothing to cling to), I cannot imagine how anyone...

Release Brings Healing

  After I posted “God’s Fugue,” my friend Bob Zinnecker sent me this wonderful article about his wife’s faith walk while he battled cancer. Elaine Zinnecker’s story appeared in the September 2, 1984 issue of Evangel. It speaks so well about God’s loving hand in...

God’s Fugue

Especially this year, some question why a perfect, loving God is allowing all this chaos. I’ve often heard God’s movements in time likened to the back of a tapestry. While it looks like a mess on the back, on the other side it is a beautiful piece of art. God is said...