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Hello, God?

I like to think of myself as a tough old gal. “See the hill. Take the hill,” as my Lt. Colonel father would have said. I recently made a decision that holds the promise of adventure ahead. Was I up to it? Would everything work out? Or had I made a blunder?...

Why Church?

    Writing is a solitary occupation, with hours of ruminating and writing dreadful first drafts. When something finally emerges, we spend hours editing until we think we have something to share. But is it worth sharing? We can trust our own judgment and...

Serendipity aka God

Deism is a philosophy popular in the 17th and 18th centuries. It asserted God created the world but does not interact with people. I suppose it let God off the hook when wars, plagues and other disasters occurred; there was no reason to blame Him or ask why. But then,...

God is Sovereign

My husband and I had no idea we were “dog people” until Molson loped into our lives. A German shepherd/huskie mix, Molson was on his way to the animal shelter when he took a detour into our home and hearts. He was amazingly docile, obedient, and lovable – a perfect...