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My Knee Surgery Journey

  We’ve always had certain “rites of passage” in our culture. I have a photo of my father as a toddler in a dress. If you knew my father, you would laugh right now. Anyway, he soon passed into short pants, and from there to long pants. The first bra is a girl’s...

Faith on a Wire

  I was one of millions glued to the TV as Nick Wallenda prayed his way across the Grand Canyon years ago. For someone who has difficulty navigating a sidewalk (and freezes two feet off the ground if there is nothing to cling to), I cannot imagine how anyone...

God’s Fugue

Especially this year, some question why a perfect, loving God is allowing all this chaos. I’ve often heard God’s movements in time likened to the back of a tapestry. While it looks like a mess on the back, on the other side it is a beautiful piece of art. God is said...