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My Tennessee Saga

As far as sweaters go, I bought it because it was cheap, white and comfy. During my stay in Tennessee, I needed something nondescript to add to my limited travel wardrobe, and this little number in Walmart fit the bill. I checked it out with my other purchases and...

Horror or Grace?

Given 2023’s events, this may not have been the best year for our Bible study group to take on the Book of Revelation. We know Jesus will return any time, and given the tribulations described in Revelations, people have been predicting his arrival through wars,...

Stay Out of the Weeds

One of my favorite Bible verses is Romans 8:28. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” I like the purpose part because I believe we all need a purpose, a reason to get out of bed....

God is Sovereign

My husband and I had no idea we were “dog people” until Molson loped into our lives. A German shepherd/huskie mix, Molson was on his way to the animal shelter when he took a detour into our home and hearts. He was amazingly docile, obedient, and lovable – a perfect...