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Battle of the Bulge

Have your best January intentions about dieting flown the coop? I could say mine have, except I didn’t make any. I’ve learned the hard way that will power lasts only so long. There has got to be a better way, and there is. It’s not how much I eat, but what I eat. All...

Diet Wars and Cancer

While I was  standing in the check-out line in the grocery store, a magazine touting the keto diet caught my eye. I didn’t bite (pun intended), and here’s why. Dr. Greger at Nutrition If you are reading my health blog for the first time, I will tell you Dr....

Why These Sources?

They say when you do research and repeatedly discover information you already know, you are probably becoming knowledgeable about your topic. There may be more to learn, but at least you know you are on the right track. I find that reassuring, given all the...