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Caregiving is Messy – So is Life

Caregiving sneaks up on you. One minute you’re just helping a parent, spouse, or grandparent — and who doesn’t do that? It’s our nature to help when we can. Women especially are prone to believe they must do everything that’s asked of them, but men also struggle with...


Teaching Medical Terminology for several years forever changed the way I look at words. Not only do I see the entire word, I see it in parts. Greek or Latin word roots, along with various suffixes and prefixes, compose medical terms. The word root tells us the part of...

Short, Sweet, and Life-Saving

  One in Eight Women May Get Breast Cancer We don’t need to settle for that statistic, ladies. And shame on oncologists who only advise chemo and radiation to treat cancer, and never mention preventative and other curative measures. It is a FACT (not...

Three Sad Words

  Usually, my “caregiving” blogs relate to caring for an ill or demented loved one. However, two recent experiences made me realize we are all hurting more than usual. The constant drumbeat of wars and their victims, of a paralyzed and hostile Congress, of a...