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The Promise

  Covenants. We make them all the time. From pinky swears to wedding vows, we earnestly commit ourselves to do, or not do, certain things. Many caregivers make THE PROMISE. “I promise I will never put you in a nursing home.” Cultural Factors Thousands of...

Whom Can You Trust?

If you have been following my Body and Soul blogs, you know I promote a mostly whole food plant based diet. Reading the China Study by T. Colin Campbell and (his son) Thomas M. Campbell II (MD) was my initial “Aha! Moment.” Although the book’s thickness appears...

Nothing New

Never Stop Learning The first Monday after Labor Day always feels like New Year’s Day to me. It’s a new goal-oriented beginning with fresh challenges. I feel like that little girl, sitting in assembly, waiting to discover my new classroom and teacher. Geek that I am,...

Enter Your Bliss

I relate to the latest Lazy-boy commercial big time. It’s all about being lazy, savoring laziness, and proclaiming its value. You sit for as long as you want in that recliner, girlfriend! Rude (usual) Awakening Another night of insomnia with all my “to do’s” and “what...

Catholic vs catholic

  I stood in a prayer circle in a home in the most dangerous neighborhood in the city of  Rochester. We were praying with a pastor from Ghana, and people of different faiths and color, for help to spread the Gospel of Jesus in the city. Later I wondered, how did...

I’m a Backward Pantser

  They say there are two kinds of writers—Pantsers and Outliners. “Pantsers” write by the seat of their pants. Hence the name. I read somewhere that J.R. Tolkien said he wrote Lord of the Rings to find out what a hobbit was. Pantsers begin with a situation and go...

From Hidden Gem to Shining Star: A Creative’s Guide to Getting Discovered

                                                                                                                    Image: Pixaby   My guest blogger this week is June Duncan, a fellow writer whose website, like mine, is devoted to caregiving issues...

Hidden Danger in Plant Based Diets

  As much as I think plant-based diets promote health, a hidden danger lurks in vegetarian, vegan, and even flexitarian (eats meat and dairy a few times a week) diets. Our bodies cannot make Vitamin B12, and it is not found in fruits and vegetables. The only...

Can Fear be Good?

“Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” occurs in many places in the Bible. Every time I hear “fear of the Lord” in a sermon, the pastor invariably points out that “fear” means awe and reverence toward God that should draw us closer to Him. It should not make...

Point of No Return?

First there was fire. That was a gigantic leap in man’s development. Writing. Telephone. Electricity. Automobiles. The internet. And now artificial intelligence. Once developed, these milestones move us further into a future that challenges, helps, and terrifies us at...