What’s Her Name Needs a Thing-a-ma-jig

My friend and I vacationed in Tennessee and shared a lovely, rented home for a week. Having both lost our husbands, we discovered each of us had been attributing “hidden items” on playfulness from beyond, as in I know I put that there! Where is it? As we worked...

I’m not fat. I’m fluffy.

I’m told I weighed only four pounds at birth. That was the last time I was grossly underweight because Mom fed me every two hours from then on. Maybe that’s why I graze often to this day! My father used to call food cravings “body wisdom.” If you crave it, you must...

Our Inner Life

Each of us has an inner life, but I’m not talking about our spiritual, intellectual, or emotional one. No, in more concrete terms, we house thousands of species of bacteria in our gut. And without those little bugs, we would be dead. Their village is our microbiome,...

Shining Light on Deception

Where is Diogenes when you need him? You remember. He was the guy who carried a lamp to shine light in people’s faces. It was supposed to show who was living truthfully.  I don’t think the authors of some “health studies” in this age of misinformation would pass...

Medical Terminology

In my novel, The Divine Meddler, the protagonist, Lou Skalney, is a bookworm. I would guess, so are many of you. Is there a medical term for that? Medical Terminology Have you ever read the report of a medical procedure, a medical history write-up, or messages between...