Too Precious to Lose

As a child, I never sang contemporary music in church. There was no such thing in those days. No, I’m more familiar with altars, candles, and organ music on Sunday mornings. “Smells and bells,” describes those traditional church services where incense wafts through...

Preaching Without Words

You can say one thing about my church. The pastors are braver than most, and think waaaay outside the box when it comes to making a point. Lamb of God It was a regular Sunday, and once in our pew, I looked at the altar. Rising from the center, against the wall, rises...


I like the word “homely.” My dictionary says “homely” means not attractive or good looking. Yet it’s the secondary definition that appeals to me: simple or unpretentious; plain, and finally, characteristic of the home. People value perfection and unblemished beauty,...

Hidden Grace

It begins with a kiss. In late September, early October, I notice a leaf here and there, changing from green to a hint of red. I could easily miss that subtle kiss of death, but I love fall, even the overcast days. (Endless sunny summer days make me think of a fool...

Nearer My God to Thee

  A conversation with my friend this morning inspired today’s blog. Life has its stages, and we Baby Boomers are challenging this one like we challenged each one before. For good or bad, we insist on aging our way, with humor and as independently as possible....

Nothing New

Never Stop Learning The first Monday after Labor Day always feels like New Year’s Day to me. It’s a new goal-oriented beginning with fresh challenges. I feel like that little girl, sitting in assembly, waiting to discover my new classroom and teacher. Geek that I am,...