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Horror or Grace?

Given 2023’s events, this may not have been the best year for our Bible study group to take on the Book of Revelation. We know Jesus will return any time, and given the tribulations described in Revelations, people have been predicting his arrival through wars,...

When the Caring Stops

  Suddenly it’s over. The person you loved and cared for, who took center stage in your life for months, maybe years, dies and it left you heartbroken. You stand at the end of a road that once felt way too long. No more doctor’s appointments, hospital vigils,...

The Quarantine Fifteen

Hopefully, we will soon put this pandemic in our collective rear-view mirror, put the pedal to the medal, and reclaim our lives. Three cliches aside, many of us have a little souvenir from our quarantine days. There’s a little bit more of us since this time last year....