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To Mask or Unmask?

Here we go again. Are y’all as sick of this masking debate as I am? My NPR feed has a good article about masking that links to CDC’s latest, and probably the most realistic advice yet....

Toe to Toe with the Enemy

It’s not like I’m out there partying heartily or mixing with lots of people. Sure, I wear a mask when I go to the grocery store or sit mask-less when alone in the library’s Quiet Zone. All the members of our Life Group (read Bible study) are inoculated seniors....

If you want something done right…..

At one time, people expected to receive good care in nursing facilities. Life expectancy after a serious medical crisis is longer now because of the surgical,  medical, and pharmaceutical progress we have made over the years. Yet that very progress has created a...

Another Group to Hate

I really don’t have time for my new assignment. A new group to hate. I can’t keep up with the workload already. Republicans hate Democrats. Democrats hate Republicans. Liberals hate conservatives. Conservatives hate liberals. Then there’s the old standbys —Black...

Truth and Lies

When I was in nursing school, we had to write up “bib cards.” We went to our medical library, selected an article to read, jotted down its salient points, and cited its bibliographic information. Bib cards —you could trust that the information was peer reviewed and...