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How to Develop a Healthier Daily Routine

June Duncan is my guest blogger this week. As a caregiver herself, she offers many suggestions to help caregivers on their journeys. Leading a healthier lifestyle means consistently choosing to prioritize your physical and mental...

Qigong (“She Gong”)

Today, as I look out at a foot of snow and ice, I thought I would sample Qigong and Yoga to get the body moving indoors. My neighbor is a fan of  Qigong Baden-Baden and sent me a link. I tried Lesson 1. I liked that the...

A Problem for Every Solution

Have you ever brainstormed solutions to a problem, only to realize you have a problem for each solution? I find when I do that, I’m left to stew in my own juice while I make no progress. That’s me when it comes to exercise. I know, and write about, how important it is...