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Let’s be Friends

  Now that I’ve launched The Divine Meddler, the art of marketing looms ahead. Writing I know. About marketing I’m clueless. I’d love to sit back and say, “if God wants this book to sell millions of copies, He’ll make it happen.” But I don’t think it works like...

Good Company

No matter how esoteric or unique the passion, people will find like-minded individuals and create a community. Writers, after spending hours in their solitary worlds, need to grapple with certain realities as they resume “normal” life. Whether it is critique groups,...

And Another Option…

The publishing industry traveled a long road since the fellow in the picture above cranked out his masterpieces. In the 18th century, the Gutenberg press and Martin Luther’s prolific theological output moved the printing industry forward. Perhaps this is the most...

Author Turned Publisher

Things have changed in the world of publication. Not many years ago, the Holy Grail for new authors was to find an agent who would sell your book to a publishing house that would edit, print, and market your book. After raking in the royalties, you hoped for a long...